Lately there has been quite a discussion of craftmanship in particular as it appplies to art quilts. First let me say, I am no great lover of the phrase art quilts...implication that they are all art when some aren't and that quilts labeled otherwise are not art. There isn't a label that makes me sing with delight...fiber art, textile art, non-traditional quilts...pick your favorite. I call myself a quiltmaker. It's good enough for me. However, that is not the issue here. The question at hand is how well made something should be....and to quote an old saw," Anything worth doing is worth doing well."
When we are asking someone to purchase a piece, shouldn't it be comparable to any other discipline? For me the answer is a resounding yes. Painters don't paint badly (well, not intentionally), sculptors don't sculpt badly and on and on. Just my humble opinion but it is my responsibility to myself as an artist to do the best work I possibly can. I am not always successful; no one is and when I am not that work is not shown. Usually I can see early in the process what is working and what isn't so I stop, re-work or start another piece.
If we ever expect to be accepted as equal to the other disciplines, we must rise to the standards of that world. If hanging threads is integral to the piece, then they belong there. If they are just because you didn't want to take the time to cut or thread them back in then they don't belong there.
Bad technique gets in the way of good art and all the beautiful technique in the world won't make up for bad composition and design. There is a balance that must be sought between the two.
In our ever changing world of creative accounting, government and corporate fraud, and product liability, my hope is that art can set a standard for not only aesthetics but also ethics. Art has always led the way to change in the way society sees the world. Let's start today maintaining a high standard of unquestionable craftsmanship and see what tomorrow brings.
Officially off soap box, I remain your over-worked reporter.