Okay, I admit on occasion I do a really stupid thing but this year has been filled with, ahem, dumbness. Somewhere on the road I lost the cradle for my Sony Cybershot. It was only 5.1 megapixels but I loved it. Had tons of pictures on it but no way to re-charge since it charged and downloaded in the cradle. Alas, woe is me! What a perfect opportunity to buy a new camera.....a brand new Cybershot with 8 megapixels. Why read the instructions when you had the same camera before. Au contraire! Last night I was downloading pictures to make this pitiful blog a little more colorful and dang it, if I didn't wipe the card clean before downloading. A simple slip of the finger and entire class at Asilomar is gone. A moment of infinite wisdom on my part.
My other really big loss is all the discs for my programs. When we had to reformat my hard drive, I was prepared to spend a day re-installing everything. Are they anywhere in this house....no. I have looked where there were supposed to be and even where they aren't....missing. I have no idea what anyone would want with them or how they got out of the house.
Last night while cruising for replacements, I realized I cannot find the Photoshop Creative Suite I had for less than an arm and a leg and Creative Suite 3 is out which is even worse. Yikes! Nothing to do but bite the bullet but ouch this is painful. Naturally I have no idea how to operate CS3 so not only will I be out the big bucks but then have to suffer through the learning curve.
Aren't I pathetic?
The good news is I have managed to put my hand on all my sketch books and journals. Whew! Talk about a trip down memory lane. You should try it on occasion....and surprise, surprise there are some decent possibilities for new quilts. I wouldn't execute them in quite the same way but with a few minor changes they would be me now. Of course just what I need more quilt tops that need to be quilted. Guess they will just have to be put in the long line things to do when I have more time off.
Now for something completely different: youngest son Thomas is graduating from Baylor Law School on 28 April. Whoopee! He is an amazing guy...went to Florida State on a full academic scholarship, graduated in three years with two degrees, Political Science and History, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, captain of the College Bowl team...went directly from there to Baylor Law where he was on of 60 accepted out of 6000 applicants. Did his internship with the Texas State Attorney General in the civil rights department....his aging hippy mom had to love this. Law school has been a definite eye opener for him.....he has actually had to work to get through not just gloat down the lazy river and still get all A's. He has decided to go into public service so he has to pass the bar before he can get a job....some rule in Texas. First exam is in July so send good thoughts.
Graduation is at 10 a.m. and Waco is only 2 hours away so we are driving down early in the morning and then driving back with my suitcase in the trunk so sweet Ronnie can drop me at the airport to fly the wild blue yonder to Cambria, California for Sandy Turner's Out of Heart and Hand Retreat. Wish me luck...I have developed a new class from my Creativity on Demand dvd. No fabric involved more art 101.....hoping not to have a riot in the class from fabric withdrawal.
Now that I have found through trial and error how to download, there should be some pictures of springtime in Texas and other sundry minutiae coming.