Things are getting more and more eccentric at Casa de la Swain. Changing styles in my textile work, falling in love again with painting and photography...and then there is the ever illusive quest for continuing creativity through working with Eric Maisel. Still on the road teaching, posting now at the Ragged Cloth Cafe and taking the pledge to keep handmaiden up to date.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Woke Up This Morning with Houston on my Mind

When I powered up all the computers this morning, I was stunned to see that it is 20 October. Panic! I am leaving the 26th for market and festival and still have tons of prep work to do. Reality check time. Somehow basking in the glow of creativity, I lost track of the dates. Never fear I already have a solution. I will work first shift and second shift with a nap in between. It was just startling how little time I have left.

Most of the dvd work is done but still fighting with the editing to get it to burn...ordered a restore disc from computer store and hopefully it will arrive in time for computer guru son, Craig to get things back on track. Then I took a deep breath and realized I could produce a brochure with delayed release for the new problem solved. Sat down and wrote the outline for my School House presentation, check another task off the list. Waiting on the art supplies that I carry in my booth that accompany the dvd's....checking FedEx tracking every day....not much I can do but keep my fingers crossed. After reviewing everything, it didn't look so bad......until I realized I haven't given a thought to what I am going to wear, especially shoes! Oh the shame of it could I have not already addressed this issue.

What was I thinking working on marketing and sales instead of planning the shoe wardrobe? I have obviously gone off track somewhere considering business over shoes. This situation must be rectified immediately. I promise to give you an update on the choices....I may need your input on this crisis. Photos to follow tomorrow. Time for a short nap since I started first shift at 3 am so I can get to second shift by 5 or 6 pm, squeezing feeding the animals Ronnie and Thom) some time in the shift work.

If you are coming to market or festival, drop by booth 536. I would love to chat up close and personal with cyber pals.

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