Things are getting more and more eccentric at Casa de la Swain. Changing styles in my textile work, falling in love again with painting and photography...and then there is the ever illusive quest for continuing creativity through working with Eric Maisel. Still on the road teaching, posting now at the Ragged Cloth Cafe and taking the pledge to keep handmaiden up to date.

Monday, September 19, 2005

What Have I Done Now

Okay techno! I joined women bloggers, got their code, approved by ring and went active.....except it has erased all the information in my side bar. When I remove their code, everything appears. Should I just forget it or is there a fix that someone can help with. I am lost without my artful quilters ring, simple still life and self portrait Tuesday buttons....bare nekkid side bar very useless.

1 comment:

Val said...

I joined this ring and the same thing happened so I gave up! I only do simple!

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