Things are getting more and more eccentric at Casa de la Swain. Changing styles in my textile work, falling in love again with painting and photography...and then there is the ever illusive quest for continuing creativity through working with Eric Maisel. Still on the road teaching, posting now at the Ragged Cloth Cafe and taking the pledge to keep handmaiden up to date.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Decisions, Decisions

Thanks for all the commments on the fabric choice. Now that I know what I am doing (in theory), I think I can crank this out rather quickly. However, there are several quilts waiting in the wings, some layered I have decided to put off working on the fabric until January 1.
After all, if it is a good design the fabric company will take it when I get it to them. More importantly, I am a quiltmaker and want to get back to that.
There is something so seductive, as we all know, about touching that cloth. Got to quilt most of yesterday and plan on finishing up the long section on Sea Stones tonight or tomorrow. When opportunities, like the fabric line, come your way, you shouldn't ignore them. However, since the company that approached me isn't interested, I will have to shop these designs around. That's a whole nother ball game which to me means I have time to really think this through.
The other think lacking in my life at the moment is my exercise program. Putting so much energy into the painting, I was completely absorbed. Fell off the wagon on rowing and going to the gym and am really feeling it physically.
Time to take stock and re-evaluate how I spend my time. Add into the mix the filming for the next dvd starts in late November or early December.....gotta look good for the camera so some pounds need to go. Besides, I want to look fabulous for Australia in January. It will be summer there so no where to hide those extra pounds in summer clothes.
Wish I had time to knit, paint fabric designs, applique and quilt, exercise and run the business but even though I multi-task well, some focus is required. Now if I just had a wife to do all the other stuff (house duties...ugh!), it would be a perfect world.


Lisa said...

What's the next DVD going to be about? I'm halfway through watching Borrowed Tools 2 and really enjoying it. Thanks for sharing your wonderful techniques!

Val said...

I've really enjoyed my enforced rest! You should try it some time as it is very invigorating and then you'd be able to do twice as much plus some housework! Not a lot of that of course as it wastes time! grin!

Sharon said...

I believe all your classses over here are sold out!!!! I received the programe in the mail yesterday... I am so glad that you were asked back...

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