Things are getting more and more eccentric at Casa de la Swain. Changing styles in my textile work, falling in love again with painting and photography...and then there is the ever illusive quest for continuing creativity through working with Eric Maisel. Still on the road teaching, posting now at the Ragged Cloth Cafe and taking the pledge to keep handmaiden up to date.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Nothing is all bad or all good

Ya hoo! My Kinko's karma has been resolved. Drove over yesterday afternoon after Pilates class (which ends at 6 p.m.) and was home at 6:36 p.m. patterns in hand ready to ship. Could have shipped them from there but use a private shipper for the dvd's and got up this morning and put everything in their capable hands. Takes so little to amuse me but if you knew some of my horror stories with Kinko's you would know this is a major accomplishment in my life.

Filled with the afterglow of success went right to the studio to work on the new quilt....and can't get it right. Keep cutting fabric and taking it down...tried using a background fabric that washed out everything. I have lost the zone is in the twilight. Don't you just hate it when you have what is seemingly good design and then you can't get the color to work? Not faint of heart, decided to do a paradigm shift...don't you just love it when you can use those big words? No background....separate pieces of fabric for each if the palette will just reveal itself to me.

After catching up on paper work and shipping above patterns, took the afternoon off to cogitate the situation. Hopefully tonight something will start working; no pictures until it comes together.
So while my karma seems to be moving in a better direction, Mercury retrograde is keeping me from communicating with this piece.

In order to keep from clogging mail boxes, thanks to all of you for the comments on the last piece. Probably should layer it up and start quilting but the goal for this down time was to get as many tops made as possible to quilt on the far, so good.

Back to the blog or not to blog of my best friends took me to task for posting drawings and works in progress.....and talking about the process of my work. Not something that should be done....mostly the showing of unfinished work. Geez Louise, what is the isn't like I am some famous artist or doing something so innovative that it should be kept secret. Mostly blogging is thinking out loud for me....and occasionally ranting out loud. Not sure why all the hulabaloo over blogging has suddenly come into vogue, but if everyone is talking about it, positive or negative, there must be something vital about blogging. (Run on sentences excluded.)

Off to try working again...stay cool this weekend.


Debra said...

Geez, Louise... the process part of work is what keeps me reading some people's blogs. I THRILL at watching the progress of pieces and following the decision-making process each person takes along the road.

Please don't stop.

Melody Johnson said...

There are actually some people out there that don't 'get' blogging.
How do they ever get their thoughts in order for the day? I think of blogging as a gigantic brain flush, and not the hot flash kind.
Get it out there and examine it and be cleared for the day.

Gosh I hope that wasnt' too graphic...

Deb R said...

I've never understood why some people fuss about showing work in progress or talking about how you do something. Makes no sense to me. Carry on! :-)

Deborah Boschert said...

Can you imagine how much crap we would produce if we never asked anyone else what they thought of it "in progress." We would all just emerge from our studios and our "friends" would nod and say, "That's nice." Then snicker off behind our backs. Ok, maybe sometimes we make fabu stuff in our own little vacuums, but I bet we'd never really grow or be challenged without real interaction about the process. Ho hum.

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