Things are getting more and more eccentric at Casa de la Swain. Changing styles in my textile work, falling in love again with painting and photography...and then there is the ever illusive quest for continuing creativity through working with Eric Maisel. Still on the road teaching, posting now at the Ragged Cloth Cafe and taking the pledge to keep handmaiden up to date.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Decision on the Conflab

To avoid clogging email, a very big thank you all for your comments and your support on the recent unpleasantness. My decision is to take the high road. This is a very famous would all recognize her name immediately. So to set things straight, I will quietly put the bug in the ears of a few choice friends....this should put an end to things or start a turf war...but either way, a resolution.

Today we did all the things they were told not to do.....and absolutely loved it. They felt so successful and they were. They could not get over what the techniques do to my quilts and look forward to using them on their work. I win....while being professional and empowering the students with new tools that can push their work a step beyond where they were before the class.

Teaching, for me, is not only fellowship with like minded souls, but part of my dharma. I never envy anyone else's skills, techniques, business, or awards. What is good for one of us is good for all of us. For example, all the Impressionist were friends. They socialized, talked about each others work, shared triumphs and tragedies. Shouldn't we be more like that....glory in all our differences and work together as a community. Oh well, I can hope.

Taking the Zen approach, this happened because it was supposed is up to me to see this for what it is....just a part of the circle. Worked today to balance a negative with a positive....and from the photos below, feel like balance was achieved.

Off to sew some or maybe just have room service, read or watch bad tv.


Gerrie said...

Well, I know who it is because I get the newsletter from this guild and happen to know their schedule. I can't say that I know of her. I love your attitude.

Val said...

Your attitude is the best! Life's too short and there is too much to do! You win by being successful and having a fantastic class! Whereas she has dented her credibility!

The Ride Report from Mud Creek said...

Youch! I had to read your previous post to see what you were talking about....sounds like a bad case of the little green monster to me. How shocking to hear of a professional acting so NOT professional. As Valeri said, life is too short!

Karoda said...

Gab, one of my favorite quotes to paraphrase is from George Carlin..."the concept of human beings is a great one, its just that people mess it up"...thats in reference to the comments by the other teacher.

but I, too, love the way you turned it around and the philosophy for guiding your own actions.

the work of your students looks wonderful!

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